Wednesday, December 29, 2010

InfoPath Form Error Messages "Updating content type failed" & "The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different site collection"

Deployment Steps we followed in Production Server

1. We took Backup of INFOPATH SITE using STSADM command
2. Downloaded template from Site Document Library (Reviews Document Library > Settings > Advanced Settings > Document Template > SITE Reviews/Forms/template.xsn).

3. While Publishing we promoted and de-promoted columns as per the as per column promotion requirement. But we got two error message when try to publishing the InfoPath Form template.

Error Message 1: "Updating content type failed"
Error Message 2: "The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different site collection: http://Servername/sites/SiteName/InfoPath_Library_Name/Forms/template.xsn"”.

Solution for the error message:

Need to Upgrade InfoPath Service Pack2 & Security Upgrade and information as below

1. Update for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (KB976416)

2. The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite Service Pack 2 (SP2)

3. Security Update for Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (KB979441)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Could not load XSL file. The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0×80070002) Content By Query Web Part or TableContentsWeb

We recieve this error while trying to edit ContentByQueryWebPart or TableContentsWeb.

The reason for this error is because the publishing features are not enabled for the site.
So we need to enable the publishing features.

For this first activate Office Sharepoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature found at
Site Collection Administration – Site Collection Features.

Than enable Office Sharepoint Server Publishing feature at Site Administration- Site features

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How do I Check in Multiple Documents With Sharepoint Designer?


1. Start "SharePoint Designer" by clicking "Start" and highlighting "All programs" and then select "Microsoft Office" and click on "Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer."

2. When "SharePoint Designer" opens click on "File" and select "Open site." On the open site dialog box in the "Site name" box type the address there as if you were navigating to your SharePoint site in a browser and click on "Open."

3. This will open the site through "SharePoint Designer" in a tree view which is where all of the files, folders and sites are shown in the left-hand pane. Here you will see the "Document folders" as well, double-click on the folder that holds the documents and it will open the folder contents in the large center pane.

4. Drill down to the specific folder that holds the files you uploaded. Next to each folder you will see a "Green arrow" pointing down, and to the right it indicates the file is checked out. If you wish to check in multiple documents at once hold down the "CTRL" key and click on each file to highlight the files.

5. Right-click just "One" of the highlighted files and the sub-menu will pop up, select the option that says "Check in" and it will go through file by file and check them in. Once they have been checked in the "Green arrow" that was previously there will now be gone.

6. If you copy a whole folder to a "SharePoint site" you can go into "SharePoint Designer" and navigate through the sites and folders to the exact folder you copied just as you did before to check in multiple files, and this time right-click the "Folder" you copied and select "Check in." Just like the multiple files, it will process and check in each file. To verify this you will need to navigate into the folder to make sure that all of the "Green arrows" are gone.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Using SQL QUERY to Find Out Site Created & Last Access Date


Use Content Database Name


SELECT FullUrl AS 'Site URL', TimeCreated,
DATEADD(d,DayLastAccessed + 65536, CONVERT(datetime, '1/1/1899', 101))
AS lastAccessDate FROM Webs WHERE
(DayLastAccessed <> 0) AND (FullUrl LIKE N'sites/%') ORDER BY lastAccessDate