Friday, June 18, 2010

Troubleshooting SharePoint Diagnostics Logging

Production Server were creating blank log files, 0KB in size without any errors or apparent issue.

I started with some basics:

1) Is there adequate disk space on the server(s)?
2) Is the “Windows SharePoint Timer Service” running?

I then restarted the timer service to ensure that the credentials were still valid. But that didn’t help.

Next, I wanted to validate what my logging levels were set to, so I ran the following STSADM command:

stsadm -o listlogginglevels

This revealed that everything was set to “None” from the original defaults.

I next ran the following command to reset values to defaults:

Finally I ran the stsadm -o setlogginglevel -default command then issue resolved.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The trial period for this product has expired

Error Image:

Solution 1:

Change your app pool account from “Network Service” to Domain account.

Solution 2:

Upgrade Latest SP2 to Moss Server.

Solution 3:

1. Open the associated web.config
2. Make any change and undo it
3. Save the web.config